
KB05 3 SEATER SOFA26560.00 DH

Marrakech - Marrakech 27 jours 23 heures 35 minutes
Type meubles


Børge Mogensen was a Danish furniture designer who was one of the most prolific and innovative designers of a generation. Mainly working in wood and leather, he created the KB05 3 SEATER SOFA. Børge Mogensen and his contemporaries made the concept "Danish design" known throughout the world, and his collection stands out in particular. The KB05 3 SEATER SOFA is typical of the functional design of this concept which has for more than half a century seen continued worldwide demand. Our reproduction carries on the traditions of his eclectic, diverse and attractive design. The name Borge Mogensen is only used to describe the characteristics of the goods made to the original design, and not as a trade mark.